Hymn of Him

The old hymns aren’t sung enough in churches, I think.
There’s so much emotion and purity within their lyrics. I sometimes take for granted the fact that my church has them every Sunday.
Since this year has started I have paid closer attention to lyrics and melodies of songs.
I feel my heart is more open in my seventeenth year of life.

I still surprise myself a lot.

I would love to share some lyrics of a hymn that I sang in church today.

Specifically just one of the verses, cause it really spoke to me.

<Have Faith In God>

Have faith in God when your pathway is lonely.
He sees and knows all the way you have trod;
Never alone are the least of His children;
Have faith in God, have faith in God.

Have faith in God when your prayers are unanswered,
Your earnest plea He will never forget;
Wait on the lord, trust His word and be patient,
Have faith in God. He’ll answer yet.

Have faith in God in your pain and your sorrow,
His heart is touched with your grief and despair;
Cast all your cares and your burdens upon Him,
And leave them there, oh, leave them there.

Have faith in God though all else fall about you;
Have faith in God, He provides for His own:
He cannot fail though all kingdoms shall perish.
He rules. He reigns upon His throne.

Wow, I cannot think of anything else to say to that but: AMEN!
Well, hope these words inspire you and help you to trust God and have faith in Him to carry out the way He does.

Picnics and Peace

Something inside me is bothered. I want to hear God’s voice and I am depressed that I can’t.
I had a picnic with my Lord today. I was outside eating His word and listening for Him for an hour and a half.
I tried to understand what He was telling me, but I couldn’t decipher it.
I read 1 Kings 19:12 where it’s talking about the still small voice–a.k.a
a whisper.
I tried to listen for His whisper.
I’m confused.

I wonder if I’m doing what God wants me to.
I am curious to know whether God will suddenly tell me to stop and turn down a different road.

I’m horrified that I might not be strong enough to run with Him, while dropping everything to chase Him.

As an amazing man in my life said, “I know that feeling of being kinda scared at what life is throwing at you, not that its bad, but that its coming right for you so fast.”

That’s how I feel.

Like I am so ready for this adventure, but that I’m scared to go on it at the SAME TIME.

And maybe I’m repetitive, but this is how God made me, I have to think and talk for hours about big things like this…otherwise I’ll never learn.

I haven’t found the peace I strive for yet, but I have faith that it will eventually come….